Friday, December 5, 2008

Wick in and wick out......

Candles blown,wicks inserted the purposeful strode away from the Taj and swept homeward careful not to use the trains especially the ones from VT which were on time but curiously quite devoid of that buzzing quality which is normal. Bombay is together and united bouncing back to face another day...Now children how many of us had a really nice drink and a fuck after Dandi march 2?...

At many hot spots freeloading celebrities in their whites stopped over for free drinks and the parties went on unabated.Here`s Anisha with a smile thats a mirror image of her crack only with more hair, from the National Dyke TV:

Anisha: I`m so shocked, so shocked that my pussy turned over and said meow..It was just terrible anyway heres Alick Paad-um- See enjoying what appears to be a Bloody Fairy,helllleo Alick!!!tell us about the iconic Taj and the freeloading you`ve done there..

Alick:(quickly getting rid of the bloodied fairy who hobbles away dripping) Hic... Its burnt the Taj is burnt where are the ball boys gone? Hic... I used to play with them in the lobby, a lot of fun hic... Where I met Dolly..hic and we then had Quasimodo a meteorite, all in the heritage wing...Hic and Mr.Tata never failed to say goodbye never, such a courteous man always bending over like his forefathers always, poor poor Mr.Tata.. Hic hic Goodbye,Tata,Goodbye,Tata ha ha hrrrmph hee hee heee!!!

Anisha: Errr! that was strange.. this chooth was God? Lets go over to Diana who now has Shobha Day, another shit eating local...

Diana: Shobha you are beautiful even at 70 your tits are firm and your bum cheeks absolutely hard like a rock men...How did you manage to look so fresh even though you have had 12 children and have a husband who still looks like he`s breast fed?

Shobha: (rolling up her vagina) Free food and a good fuck always keeps my twaacha glowing.I`m writing my new book `My brother is a homo, so what?`.And this year I`m planning another baby with my husband for the first time.Now shoooo while I fill my hip flask with free booze and my Rupa underwear with caviar. Thats the only way Dilip will eat me he he he hic..

Anisha : I`m with classical singer Bumsen Joshi.. Is`nt that a graphic name sir?

Bumsen: Fuck you little girl.... hic.Want to play a flute solo?

The party was well and truly flying but we have breaking news from Vikram at the studio,

Vikram: Get Mr. Rane some ice he`s jammed his lips in the studio door, fucker looks like a salami sandwich waiting to happen.Hey Mr. Rane did you know that your lips are like the labia of an elephant?

Mr. Rane: M for Morya , P for poha, C for chutney, L for Lundin ,A for Apooos,B for bwocks....

Vikram: Get the smelling salts for this genius.

Mr. Rane: S for Sonia, P for popat ,C for Chidambaram, D for dhoti,G for gota...

Vikram: Mr. Rane sorry about your loss...Where and what are you going to do now?

Mr. Rane: K for keel, C for Congress, A for Andwa,I for mee,( starts dancing in a slow grind thrusting his crotch forward)

Vikram: Errr..we have to leave! Mr. Rane has taken out the smallest set of privates I`ve ever seen and this is not looking good...

Anisha: An ambulance is in order, Vikram has just been blown and assaulted by a irate Mr. Rane.
Barkha and Simi please take over.

Simi: Helllleo Karan let me touch your testicles I want to feel your pain want to wipe those wrinkles away, want to kiss that anus, I just want to understand how a hairy arsewipe can make such intelligent cinema...Barkha please move that bum so I can see and smell again, thank you darling....

Karan: Barkha will you marry me? I have decided to come out of the closet.

This party and many political ones as well continue to mull over the irrelevant..In the weeks to come I am going to change myself and fuck changing the world. Its far too presumptuous and will not amount to much.I am not at the forefront of any activism and have come to the conclusion that I`m a vital cog in MY world.I`m going to help whenever I`m needed and do so anonymously.Till then I will focus on the fake bastards that plague our lives with lateral conversations that would make Kubrick look sterile.

1 comment:

ravisha said...


funniest thing i have read in a long long time...absolutely awesome!!!

keep 'it' up!